RFP for Chromebooks – Washakie #1
Washakie County School District #1, Worland, Wyoming is currently accepting bids for Chromebooks. Specifications are minimums and must be met or exceeded. Substitutions will not be accepted.
Subject Line: RFP for Chromebooks – Washakie #1
Bid Analysis: Bids will be analyzed for what is in the best interest of the District - not necessarily lowest bid. Washakie County School District # 1 reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids and to waive any irregularities and informalities in the bidding process.
Bid Award: The District will award bid based upon price of eligible products, product availability and ability of vendor to deliver, product quality/performance/reliability review, device serviceability by District personnel, references review and current relationship with District personnel.
Certificate of Residency: Preference of up to 5% will be given to equipment supplied by residents of the State of Wyoming, providing that a current Certificate of Residency is submitted along with the bid.
Bid Request:
Cost of 225 11 inch Chromebook computer systems including shipping costs (see specifications that follow), with warranty. End of life June 2031 or beyond.
Cost of 225 Academic Google Chrome Management Console Licenses to be applied to Washakie County School District’s Google domain: @worlandhs.com
Please Email Bids to the following:
Jody Rakness, Assistant Superintendent jrakness@washakie1.com Phone: 307-347-9286 | Charlie Cauffman, Chief Operations Officer ccauffman@washakie1.com Phone: 307-347-9286 |