Come on out on August 24th from 5:00 to 7:30 PM for the Annual Customer Appreciation BBQ sponsored by business of the Worland-Ten Sleep Chamber of Commerce and meet your WHS Fall student activity participants and their coaches!
over 55 years ago, Nicole Hellyer
Customer Appreciation BBQ Flyer
Parents and Guardians - Washakie #1 is hosting Open House events at each school tomorrow night for School Year's Eve! We are so excited to be back in session and cannot wait to see you all. Watch for our new "Washakie 1" app - schools will be introducing it to parents tomorrow night during each Open House.
over 55 years ago, Jody Rakness
ALL Elementary
Secondary Staff - Grades 6-12 - will meet in the WMS Auditorium Monday morning from 9:00 AM - 12:00 noon for a Behavior Training.
over 55 years ago, Jody Rakness
Great day with Josh Varner today! Staff were still hard at work Friday afternoon at 5:00 PM planning for a great school year! Relax - Reconnect - Reteach It's a good plan . . .!
over 55 years ago, Jody Rakness
Josh Varner
Josh Varner
Josh Varner
Josh Varner
Josh Varner
Josh Varner
Welcome Back Staff! We will meet in the Middle School Auditorium for Opening Day with breakfast starting at 7:30 and presentations at 8:00. We are excited to see you and get the school year started!
over 1 year ago, Nicole Hellyer
Welcome Back!
The district is now hiring! Please visit the district website to apply.
over 55 years ago, Nicole Hellyer
we are hiring for part time para educator and full time para educator. please visit the district website to apply.
There will be a special school board meeting on July 26th at 12:00 PM at the Washakie County Fairgrounds Pavilion.​
over 1 year ago, Nicole Hellyer
School Board Meeting Reminder, July 26 at 12PM at the Washakie County Fairgrounds Pavilion
Please note that the July 10th meeting will be at the Worland Middle School Auditorium.
over 1 year ago, Nicole Hellyer
July 10th board meeting notification
If interested in either position, please apply online.
over 55 years ago, Nicole Hellyer
EL teacher and bus driver employment notifications
Watch for our new website and app - coming soon!
over 55 years ago, Jody Rakness